The Gardener

Offered by: Ralph Thoren

August 16, 2022

A poetic narrative:

The soil was ready, the sun had warmth
Water was plenty, food sprang forth
After the flood, they grew fast and firm
Showing him what he had made and it burned
They learned to make brick and build a tower
Along with a city they worked every hour
Seventy Sons of envy were among them on visit
These Sons were prideful, crafty and full of fight
In their labors, and teamwork they build a tower of power
The crop in the garden had gone haywire
Yet a sight of potential for the garden was seen, so
He divided the entire garden into 70 sections
Each with their own language to scramble their lot
Assigning a Son, to run each one
Nations they were called, to grow and produce
Knowing full well, weeds were in the root.
One little section he kept for himself
With a human named Abram to start the new crop
Tilling and pruning and teaching he might
Grow a new crop that could be pleasing to sight
At last, he appeared, the one that was so near
The one talked about year after year
He was perfect indeed and his words so true
He could change God’s garden, some already knew
His words were strong and his example clear
And he spoke:
Listen to me as the harvest is near!